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Latest update

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 6:54 am
by RChadwick
A working tested PCB has been working for Freedomwave, as well as a Youtube video on how to assemble.

I also updated the firmware so that the LCD menu works. I have added features to control the driver IC's so that it should work with ERM, LRA, DAEX-type actuators, and just about everything except piezo. I actually found a chip that will take the output of the DRV2605l and convert it to high voltage for piezo. I'll make a daughterboard if there's any interest in piezo actuators. Now that the menu system is in place, it should be relatively easy to add features. If anyone has ideas as to what they would like to see, let me know.

I'm currently playing with DAEX-9-4SM's, seeing how they work compared to LRA.