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Description device

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:52 pm
by bbadm ... 35SzOBo1Ti

Questions at pdbuzzboard @

Re: Description device

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 1:06 am
by Pdbuzzboard
The software that is posted on the github and Google drive is built to the 100ms stimulation model. As I was winging it on my first build, I measured the pulse spacing off of the diagram rather than the text and built on a 167ms pulse. My wife has had great success with the 167 pulse, so I haven't changed hers.

I have recently had a reach out from a woman that built a board and was not getting good efficacy. I sent her an updated Sketch with the 167 pulse and she got substantially better results. I have updated both the github and Google drive with _167 versions of the software. These sketches are identical to the previous except timer has been set to 167 rather than 100.

Best of luck and hope everyone finds a path to feeling better.